Top 10 Dos and Don’ts of Air Travel!
As a jetsetter I travel and fly quite often. Whether it is for personal reasons or for work I find myself on an airplane almost every month. This year in particularly has been quite busy including 4 flights in one week! That is somewhat of a miracle for me if you read my blog post “Travel Blogger Confession: My Fear of Flying.” As a frequent traveler and a travel writer I thought I would share with you my top 10 dos and don’ts of air travel.
1) Boarding:
Before you even get on the airplane DO wait until your section is called to board and DON’T hover and crowd around the area by the door. Yes I know you are anxious to get on the plane so you can find space for your carry on luggage since you prefer the convenience, or are unwillingly to pay the ridiculous airline fees for a checked bag. However, standing there will not get you on the plane any quicker and will only lead to people tripping over you, bumping into you or falling over you. If you are taking a Southwest flight then please pay attention to the gathering areas marked with your letter and number.
2) Overhead Space:
When you board the plane please DO use the overhead space above your seat for your carryon bag and DON’T place it an overhead space of an empty seat or immediately at the front of the plane. Also DON’T take up two spots by placing your carryon bag AND your personal item in the overhead space. This is something that baffles me. I get to my seat and the overhead spaces above my seat on either side are already filled with bags. This has happened to me whether I am sitting in the front or back of the plane. If the airline only allows each person to bring on 1 carryon to fit in their overhead space and 1 personal item for under their seat and everyone uses their own space, this would not be an issue. Have you ever been stuck in your seat while others deboard a plane because you had to put your carryon bag a few rows behind your seat? Not fun.
3) Seats:
Mistakes happen but try to familiarize yourself with the number and letter seating of most airplanes and DO sit in your correct seat. If one or two or three people in your group are seated incorrectly and people have to shift around it disrupts and delays the boarding process. For Southwest airlines remember that once you are allowed to board the plane you can sit in any open seat. Please DON’T automatically recline your seat all the way back. It is courteous to check behind you and even give the person some warning before you recline. Also, please DON’T hold onto or pull down on the seat in front of you to get in and out of your own seat. And, please DON’T assume the armrests on either side of you are for your use only.
4) Talking:
If you DO start up a conversation with your travel mates or other passengers please DON’T speak loud. Use your inside voice lol. Sound travels easily in such a small space and there is no reason I should be two aisles up from you and hear your entire conversation. How about those overnight red eye flights when the cabin lights are off and you are trying to get some sleep but you hear constant chatter and laughing aisles away? Meeting and getting to know new people while traveling is one of the perks but I simply ask that you keep your voice right above a whisper 🙂
5) Based on #4,
DO bring and use headphones or headsets on an airplane and DON’T listen to or play on your electronic devices without them. Everyone does not need to hear your movie, music or cars crashing into each other on a video game. And please bring them for children as well. I was recently sitting in front of a child who was playing video games without headphones. Every loud shriek and crash made me jump up a bit out of my seat. Not exactly a relaxing flight 🙁
6) Food:
Airplane food if offered is expensive so like many others I bring my own. However, please DON’T pack smelly or odorous foods. Tuna fish? 🙂 Again, airplanes are small places and due to flying people often feel nauseated. Odors do not help this situation.
7) Children:
I know this is a touchy subject. I love children. I take care of them all the time as a pediatrician. I admire parents who do not let parenthood stop them from seeing the world. I admire them for exposing their children to new places and people. However, have you been on a long plane ride with a crying baby or a child that keeps kicking your seat? Please DON’T ignore your child’s actions assuming if you are not bothered no one else is. Please DO try to calm your baby or child if they get upset. Please DO apologize to those around you that may be affected.
8) Pets:
I love cute little doggies! I would love to get a white fluffy one and travel with him or her in my Louis Vuitton dog carrier 😉 But please DON’T assume everyone feels the same way about pets. Please DO ask the passengers around you if they feel comfortable with you taking your pet out of the carrier to place on your lap. Do you recall the recent story about a woman on a plane with her pet pig? I can’t even imagine.
9) The Bathroom:
As if the plane itself wasn’t claustrophobic enough there are airplane bathrooms. It is unavoidable that you may have to use an airplane bathroom for #1 or #2. However, Please DO clean up after yourself and make sure the toilet has flushed! Please DON’T assume it is the responsibility of the flight attendants to clean up your mess. Be courteous to your fellow passengers in this regard.
Ten) Deboarding:
Please DO wait your turn when deboarding an airplane. Let the people in the rows in front of you deboard first. It amuses me when everyone jumps up immediately when the seat belt lights go off even if they are at the back of the plane. Please DON’T climb over people in your row to get to the aisle! I recently had this happen to me and I could not believe it. Once in the aisle the male passenger had nowhere to go since the plane had not started deboarding. The passengers in front of him were so mortified they offered me the spot in front of them so I still got off first! Ha! Also, please DO be careful of people’s heads when you are taking down your carry on bags AND if you are a gentleman please be kind and offer assistance to the ladies.
I hope this list of my top 10 dos and don’ts of air travel have been helpful and humorous at the same time. I know this can all be overwhelming, especially to newbie air travelers, so here is another article I contributed to: “Tips for First Time Flyers” on I truly believe if we all used these air travel tips it would make our flying experiences more pleasurable for everyone!
Have any of these things happened to you? If so share your thoughts with us below!
GIFs courtesy of
A lot of do’s and dont’s that most probably wouldn’t even think twice about. The kids one is tricky though. Traveling with a child is a fear of mine so I commend any parent who can do it while keeping their kids occupied and behaved.
Yes I commend them as well. Having headphones for them and being courteous to other passengers would be helpful.
Great post! Can’t tell you how many times I’ve considered a different mode of travel because of past encounters with several of the listed “infractions”. Air travel was once considered a luxury and with it came a behavior of good manners and simple courtesy between interacting strangers. I won’t place total blame for many of these challenges on people however. Air Carriers today have more restrictions (along with a la carte prices) that often create some of the listed behaviors. Thanks again for the post and as well for the humor!!!
Your welcome! So true that this used to be a luxury form of transportation!
You certainly hit all the highlight of do and don’t as a traveler annoy me. I have learn to block out other people rudeness and mindful of my own behavior.
Yes Patricia if only all others did the same!
You gave some really detailed and imperative tips for air traveling! I am sorry but #7 really needs to be enforced on planes…some parents are inconsiderate of their children’s behaviors sometimes!
Yes I agree Kiwi!
This reminds me of the many things I should not do. I loved this post and found it funny too. Thank you. I will forward this to someone who I thin may need it 😀
Thanks Laura! I am glad you enjoyed it!
I agree with all points! When I was preparing to travel for the first time with my daughter (I was flying alone, without my husband), I did my VERY BEST to be prepared. I sat in the back of the plane near the bathroom, packed plenty of snacks and activities for her to do. Everything worked out smoothly (thank God!). While I’d never apologize for my kid being a kid, I think being courteous to others is simply a lost art these days!
Thank you Amber! It is good to hear a parent’s point of view.
These are all awesome tips! I really can’t stand all the loud talking on planes. One time my husband and I sat next to a group who clearly had too much to drink at the airport bar. Annoying wasn’t even the word. As for kids, I’ve travelled with my daughter and she was great. She didn’t cry not once and she loved looking out of the window. She just refused to air in her own seat. The first time she was only 1.
good little girl you have! And I have had those drunken experiences-no fun!
Great tips! Especially the one about odorous food. I took a Greyhound once and a guy started eating his egg salad sandwich. People went OFF!
LOL! I wish I could have seen that! The first time this happened to me was on a train but I was afraid to say anything to the person.
I am here for the truths you’ve spoken. That “Step Aside Bitches” is hilarious. I had this issue on my return flight from Miami. I had to let them know today was not their day and I wasn’t the one. “GET IN LINE EFFIE WAIT YO TURN!”
You are so funny!! good for you! lol
Nadeen, these are great tips! 4 flights in 1 week, oh my. I always triple check to make sure I have my earbuds with me when I travel, because I don’t really like to make small talk on the plane. And it’s SOOO annoying when people listen to their devices w/o ear buds. The gifs you used were so funny. 🙂
Thank you! Everyone would be better off if everyone used earplugs! lol
Awesome tips! Love the Gifs. I have had a kid kicking the back of my chair. I turned around and gave his father the death stare! I hate when people take up all the overhead space before you even get to your seat. Or at least aren’t courteous enough to rearrange their items so others can fit their bag.
Yes I agree Holly! If everyone could just be considerate!
What a great list, if only everyone would follow it. Air travel should not be so difficult. On my last flight the guy in the window seat next to me insisted on getting up when the seat belt sign was still on. I reluctantly got up to let him out. He didn’t make it very far before the flight attendant caught him.
Im glad he got caught! lol Thanks for reading and commenting!
Well-written, informative article on Dos and Donts
Just found your page & i am amazed in the best possible way! You have posted some great tips. I travel three times a year, yet I go through hell every time I board a plane. It actually gets worse the more I travel! I’ve tried sleeping pills and over-the-counter anxiety medications, but to no avail. Now i’m taking hypnotherapy sessions at phobiaman clinic. Hope this will solve my problem of flying phobia.
I hope it helps too!
Absolutely, the best advice I read here about dos and don’ts on planes, we often forget or don’t take things seriously but being a civilized citizen and human being we should take care of our surroundings. And just like Angela said I also have a flying phobia I don’t know why I am so afraid of it when I was a teenager I used to be calm but now I really feel afraid flying on planes.
Very interesting Article. I never ever read this before. You clarify those points which are necessary to understand every person. sea cargo to pakistan